The Climb

Hey everyone, welcome to episode 3 of the journey - the climb.
In the last post, I talked about how I started Wicked Cushions and why. Now i will get a little bit more into the things we have gone through the last several years before we start talking about our plans for the future.
As I said, previously, the beginning of Wicked Cushions started as a big surprise for me.
The day I posted our first ever product on amazon (Our Beats Studio replacement ear pads) was a home run.
The first day we sold 5 units, needless to say at that point of my life - I was ecstatic, I could not believe that something I had created would hit it off so fast.
About 2-3 months later, I added our 2nd and 3rd product - Our floral ear pads & our replacement ear pads for Bose.
Before I knew it, we were selling 50 pairs of cushions every day, I probably felt like the gold miners felt when they struck gold.
In all honesty, the product we had in the beginning absolutely SUCKED. (If you are one of our first customers and reading this, I am so sorry you had to go through that mess)
Our ear pads would tear, fall off, chip and crack, all within several months.
But, I had one thing on my side, I never shied away from responsibility & never backed out on any customer that reached out to us for support, this payed back big time.
The first hundred reviews flowed in, and before I knew it I was racing to keep up with the increasing demand of people asking me for more designs & more ear pads for other headphones.
It was not all rainbows and sunshine's of course. The downside of making such a splash on amazon is unfortunately amazon's greatest downfall as well.
Before I knew it, I had a target on my back & the nasty tactics against us started.
I will never forget the day I woke up to find out over 200 fake reviews being written in a single day all across our products on amazon, some of them exist until this day.
However, I got lucky enough that I was able to prove they were fake, and remove most of them within a week.
That week, was my first encounter with a medical condition that has kept coming back throughout these 5 years called alopecia. I was literally so stressed that I lost patches of my hair on my head which took several months and different shots to grow back.
But, we overcome that, and we continued growing and growing regardless of what happened - Our floral designs stolen and copied from our old manufacturer, our photos being used& our listings copied word by word & a bunch of other nonsense that I bet all businesses have to deal with.
In 2019, we really hit our stride.
We started getting noticed & really became the leading brand for replacement ear pads in our space.
At that point, we were selling almost around 15,000 pairs of cushions every month.
There used to be days where I would sit in awe in front of the screen not believing that there are these many headphone owners in the world.
I felt like any ear pad we would launch would sell out immediately & that things are just going to be an easy smooth ride moving on forward.
I admit it, my ego got a little in the way & nothing prepared me for the several months that were to come... which I would tell you in the next episode... so stay tuned.
Stay Wicked my friends.